Accelerate Your Valve Design Process using Autonomous Valve CFD
Accelerate Your Valve Design Process using Autonomous Valve CFD
Assess, validate, and optimize valve designs efficiently

Conducted on Thursday, January 12th 2023

Watch the video (52:02 min)
Fluid flow experts have developed the Autonomous Valve CFD app from the simulationHub team. It's an application on steroids that is quick and manages all your projects seamlessly without requiring manual updates. A robust, fast, and accurate designer app that works for you out of the box.
Whether it's the generation of various valve performance curves such as coefficient of flow, dynamic torque coefficient, fluid flow visualization, or complete CFD report in PDF, it does all the calculations automatically within a few clicks. The most interesting thing is that you could perform all of these tasks without any assistance from professional CFD Engineers.
In this webinar, understand how simulationHub helps evaluate and optimize high-performance valves using simulation.
Featured Speaker
Webinar spekar - Praveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar

Product Manager, simulationHub

Praveen is the Product Manager of simulationHub, a flagship CFD platform of CCTech. Praveen has deep expertise in converting real world problems into accurate computational problems. He has been instrumental in conceptualizing the building simulation apps for the simulationHub team. With more than 13 years of strong domain experience in CFD, he has also developed flavor for user experience. Praveen holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Postgraduate DACFD.