Policy | simulationHub CFD apps
simulationHub does not share your personal information, including email address, with any third party, except as required by law, or as is necessary to fulfill its obligations under these Terms. simulationHub reserves the right to collect anonymous statistics and bug reports, in order to improve the quality of the product.
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
Once you cancel your subscription, you will have access to your pre-existing simulations. Your private simulations will stay private, but you will not be able to edit them. You will be able to view simulations and export results. You can go back to the subscription plan at any time and have full access to your simulations.
Do I get a partial refund for the remainder of my billing period when I cancel/downgrade my subscription plan?
No. Your subscription will be canceled or downgraded at the end of the billing period.
How can I terminate my subscription?
You can terminate your subscription anytime you want. Cancel subscription option is available in subscription section on account portal. Once you cancel the subscription, we will deactivate the automatic renewal and you will no longer be charged. You can still use the app during your active subscription period.