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Latest news, technology updates and app tips from the simulationHub team

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
By Sandip Jadhav
Machine learning (ML) techniques are now widely being used in almost all areas of application. Six months back, CCTech Research started investigating how we may use ML in the area of Design of Mechanical Systems. One of the key application we were particularly interested is in Control Valve industry. simulationHub's Control Valve Performer app is already calculating valve performance within minutes compared to weeks in traditional CFD way. But one still yearns for a solution that could predict the flow performance in less than 5 seconds. The machine learning app developed by CCTech research team is now able to predict the value performance within seconds. Read more about the app, what went into creating the app and the app workflow.
Monday, April 16, 2018
By Chaitanya Rane
Designing of control valves involves a lot of design parameters which needs to be considered to ensure safety and durability of the valve. One such prominent parameter is the Coefficient of Hydrodynamic Torque (Cdt). Control Valve Performer app by simulationHub now calculates and delivers the Cdt curve for all rotary motion valves. Here I am explaining all about this new feature and help make your valve design more efficient.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
By Vijay Mali
Last week simulationHub hosted its first hackathon. All simulationHub and CCTech developers were divided into six different teams and were asked to create app or product feature based on simulationHub Web Services, Autodesk Forge Platform, Amazon Web Services and General Electric Predix Platform. In just a 9 days development time, it’s great to see the variety of apps created, from virtual and augmented reality to a voice-assisted user interface, the teams created innovative apps and features. Here is the summary of what apps are developed and who finally stood out as the winner.
Monday, December 18, 2017
By Chaitanya Rane
Economisers are used for improving the efficiency of Thermal Power Plants. Economisers use the waste flue gases from the boiler furnace to preheat the water entering the boiler. By applying the right design modifications we can improve the Economiser Efficiency and generate more power. This is my experience trying to attain an optimum duct design for the economiser using Generic Simulation app by simulationHub using its CFD technology.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
By Praveen Kumar
The heart of the control valve is the trim, especially the mating parts that throttle the stream to the demands of the controller. Each process is unique in nature and demands unique flow control characteristics. The synergy between what is demanded and what is supplied by the valve can be achieved by re-shaping the valve trim to get desired valve characteristics. Here I am sharing my experience of using simulationHub Control Valve Performer app with underlying CFD technology as a tool to evaluate the valve trim design of a lift valve.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
By Sandip Jadhav
simulationHub now graduates to a full commercial release with three new, easy to use simulation apps specially crafted for designers. For us, designers are the focal point for our apps. In democratization of CFD, we believe the first step is to make it available to every design engineer. New apps take fewer design inputs and perform comprehensive CFD study that might involve as many as 32 simultaneous simulations, completed in less than an hour. At the end of simulations, you receive an email with a ready-to-use PDF report consisting of setup information, result analysis and design performance plots.