Blog | CFD and more about simulationHub - Page 11


Latest news, technology updates and app tips from the simulationHub team

Monday, December 18, 2017
By Chaitanya Rane
Economisers are used for improving the efficiency of Thermal Power Plants. Economisers use the waste flue gases from the boiler furnace to preheat the water entering the boiler. By applying the right design modifications we can improve the Economiser Efficiency and generate more power. This is my experience trying to attain an optimum duct design for the economiser using Generic Simulation app by simulationHub using its CFD technology.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
By Praveen Kumar
The heart of the control valve is the trim, especially the mating parts that throttle the stream to the demands of the controller. Each process is unique in nature and demands unique flow control characteristics. The synergy between what is demanded and what is supplied by the valve can be achieved by re-shaping the valve trim to get desired valve characteristics. Here I am sharing my experience of using simulationHub Control Valve Performer app with underlying CFD technology as a tool to evaluate the valve trim design of a lift valve.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
By Sandip Jadhav
simulationHub now graduates to a full commercial release with three new, easy to use simulation apps specially crafted for designers. For us, designers are the focal point for our apps. In democratization of CFD, we believe the first step is to make it available to every design engineer. New apps take fewer design inputs and perform comprehensive CFD study that might involve as many as 32 simultaneous simulations, completed in less than an hour. At the end of simulations, you receive an email with a ready-to-use PDF report consisting of setup information, result analysis and design performance plots.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
By Vijay Mali
Recently simulationHub has partnered with Onshape to bring power of cloud based CAD and CFD together. simulationHub is now available in Onshape app store as fully integrated app which works within Onshape environment. This blog is about my first experience using “Onshape integrated simulationHub” for design and analysis of butterfly valve. The complete design to analysis process is finished in just 40 minutes!! Read more details, view 3D CAD and CFD results and see the live demonstration.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
By Vijay Mali
This is about my personal experience on my visit to home town on the occasion of Diwali - a festival of lights in India. This year I had a unique experience. I experienced how a power of simulation can be used to solve people's day to day problem. The situation was “no air circulation in the kitchen”. This is the story about how this problem is solved using power of CFD simulation. This story also includes how latest CAx tech helped me to answer frequent question “What do you do Vijay for living?”
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
By Sandip Jadhav
Journey of CFD technology from a research lab to an essential tool for every engineering company has been tremendous. Once upon a time, doing CFD analysis meant first start learning programming, numerical methods and many other things. Today CFD has crossed those initial barriers. But has CFD become part every engineer? Is it really easy to use? Is it easily accessible or affordable? Unfortunately, answer is NO.