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Tuesday, March 03, 2020
By Aaditya Ruiker
This blog will give you an overview of the Autonomous HVAC CFD app’s Technology Preview and its features, how to create your own project and run CFD simulations in the app.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
By Sneha Shetty
This is the press release on the new feature of Net Cv and Gross Cv provided in the Autonomous Valve CFD app in performance details.The Autonomous Valve CFD app helps in getting flow performance coefficients like Cv, Kv and Cdt. The users can now get both the Gross Cv and Net Cv in the results section of the Autonomous Valve CFD app.
Friday, January 24, 2020
By Chaitanya Rane
This is a blog on the analysis of pedestrian wind comfort around a sea-facing high-rise area, Brickell Avenue, in Miami Florida. The Pedestrian Comfort Analysis app was used to perform the CFD simulations and generate the wind comfort plot. The results generated from the analysis show that there is wind funneling in narrow alleys and identify possible locations of pedestrian discomfort.
Monday, December 30, 2019
By Vijay Mali
The 4th industrial revolution is upon us. We are witnessing the convergence of AI, generative design, VR, AR, additive manufacturing, IoT and many advanced technologies. We are witnessing the new era of product design and engineering. This blog summarizes how these technologies are changing the environment of valve design and engineering and helps through some light on how valve manufacturers can use them to create a unique position in the market.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
By Sneha Shetty
We are exhibiting at 2019 Valve World Americas Expo and Conference schedule on 19 and 20th June 2019. Visit simulationHub booth 1445 to know about our autonomous valve CFD product and get an exciting hands-on experience of our Machine Learning and Augmented Reality apps for valve design.
Monday, December 17, 2018
By Chaitanya Rane
Only 1 out of 100 CAD designer uses Computational Fluid Dynamics in his design workflow. High cost and complex design of CAE software have been the key reason for designers not to use CAE in their design process. Simulation software has a tedious workflow and has a high degree of learning curve. simulationHub is built with the designer as a focal point. At the inception stage of simulationHub, we have decided that appification is the way forward. That is the way to democratize CFD. Not for many, but for few, appification is bit difficult concept to understand. In this blog, Chaitanya explains this concept in a unique way. It’s a fun to read but at the same time throws a light on why appification is the way forward.